Thursday 15 May 2014

Tiger Conservation: Saving the Tiger Series 1

In this series, i will focus on the conservation of the tiger and conservation efforts around the world. But first, i'll talk about why we need to save the tiger.

Why We Need To Save The Tiger
Yes, why do we need to save the tiger?

I'll answer this question with facts about the tiger and maybe this might help you see why we need to conserve these creatures. (Special thanks to 'Tiger Time' organization for this information. You can check out their website at

Facts on the Tiger:
1. Tigers shape the ecosystems in which they live in by preventing over-grazing through limiting herbivore numbers and maintain ecological integrity. (It's a harsh reality but only so that the ecosystem is balanced.)
2. Tigers are solitary animals and live in large habitat ranges. This makes them an excellent 'umbrella' species providing space for a variety of other species to flourish. In fact, in India, there are more than 350 rivers that originate from tiger reserves, cool, right? Hence, protecting tiger habitats will in turn protect these habitats. It may also help buffer poor communities in Asia against the impacts of river siltation and flooding due to reforestation efforts in tiger habitats.
3. Tigers bring in tourism which is obviously beneficial to the local populations.

And my answer to this question, well, God gave us all animals to care for and tigers are any other magnificent creature, they deserve to live another day.

Don't you think so too?

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